Ep 54. Stay INSPIRED while working on your bold goals with guest Dr. Artika R. Tyner

Dr. Artika R. Tyner is a passionate educator, poet, author, sought after speaker, and advocate for justice. Tyner is the founder of Planting People Growing Justice Press and Bookstore. In recognition of her leadership and service, she is the recipient of more than two dozen awards that include: Women in Business, American Small Business Champion, International Educator Citizen, and American Bar Association Difference Makers. 



In this episode we talk about:


[2:45] Where Artika is from

[6:45] How Artika came to write her first book

[10:00] Her biggest advice for anyone wanting to write a book

[14:15] Stay open to being inspired in the moment

[15:30] Commit to working on something for 5 minutes 

[17:05] Artika’s next BOLD goal

[20:20] Where to connect with Artika



Check out the upcoming books we are covering in the podcast and read along! Saramayer.com/joinbookclub



Connect with Dr. Artika R. Tyner:


Facebook @artikatyner

Instagram @artikatyner




Connect with Sara:

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