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Ep 182. Back to Being a Beginner

bold goal crusher podcast goals podcast Sep 25, 2023


  • Welcome to the Bold Goal Crusher Podcast, where Sara Mayer helps you overcome life's obstacles and achieve bold goals. 
  • Sara introduces herself as the host and expresses excitement about the journey ahead. 


Starting Over from Scratch: 

  • Discussion about the challenges of starting over, especially after being a high achiever. 
  • Transitioning from an expert to a beginner can be difficult. 
  • Highlighting the importance of taking action and implementing what you've learned. 
  • Emphasizing the need to overcome emotional baggage and embrace a learning and growth mindset. 


Creating a Vision for a Fresh Start: 

  • The significance of defining a vision for your new beginning. 
  • Questions to consider: How do you want your fresh start to look and feel? Why is it different from your past? 
  • Setting clear and realistic goals for your new journey. 
  • Avoiding the comparison trap by focusing on your own progress and timeline. 


Taking Action and Implementation: 

  • Encouraging the audience to transition from being consumers of content to implementers. 
  • Stressing the importance of learning one thing and implementing it well before moving on to the next. 
  • The value of visualization and manifesting your goals. 
  • Creating a visual representation of your goals using purposeful images. 


Overcoming Obstacles: 

  • Recognizing that there will be obstacles along the way. 
  • Common challenges include missing aspects of the old life, running out of money, lack of support, and adjusting to a new structure. 
  • The need to stay resilient and maintain motivation. 


Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles: 

  • Establishing a schedule and productive habits. 
  • Building a support system, which may include a coach or consultant. 
  • Utilizing available resources, such as books, courses, online communities, and Facebook groups. 
  • Shifting your mindset to embrace the beginner's journey and accept coaching and help. 



  • Sara encourages listeners to embrace the mindset shift required for starting over. 
  • Acknowledging that it's okay not to have everything figured out from the beginning. 
  • A call to action to crush your goals and overcome obstacles. 



  • Sara thanks the audience for tuning into the Bold Goal Crusher Podcast. 
  • Expresses her commitment to supporting the community in achieving their goals. 
  • Encouragement to embrace the journey and make progress. 




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