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Ep 193. Fall in love with the process with guest Michelle Micalizzi

bold goal crusher podcast goals podcast Nov 02, 2023


  • Welcome to the Bold Goal Crusher Podcast with your host, Sara Mayer. 
  • Sara introduces her guest, Michelle Micalizzi, a seasoned health coach, personal trainer, and registered yoga teacher with over four decades of experience in the industry. 

Michelle's Background: 

  • Michelle's certifications from Villanova University and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. 
  • Michelle's affiliation with Yoga Alliance and her master's degree in administration specializing in organizational behavior from St. Michael's College. 
  • Michelle's experience in owning and operating multiple businesses, including working with prominent companies like Revlon through her marketing company. 

Sara and Michelle's Connection: 

  • Sara and Michelle discuss how they met through their involvement with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) and their collaboration for fundraising. 
  • They reflect on their participation in the LLS Woman of the Year campaign in 2021, emphasizing the importance of their shared goal to end cancer. 

The Importance of Falling in Love with the Process: 

  • Michelle shares her thoughts on falling in love with the process of achieving goals. 
  • She emphasizes that goals should be driven by purpose and why, rather than just numbers or outcomes. 
  • The analogy of working on a puzzle and celebrating small wins along the way is discussed. 
  • Sara and Michelle talk about their experiences in gymnastics and how it taught them to appreciate the process and the daily effort required. 

Dealing with Setbacks and Losing: 

  • The conversation touches on the idea that setbacks and losing are part of the journey. 
  • Michelle highlights the importance of staying committed to personal growth and improvement even on difficult days. 
  • They discuss how setbacks can be opportunities for learning and growth. 

Taking Risks and Avoiding the "Safe" Path: 

  • The concept of playing it safe and choosing a path out of fear is explored. 
  • Michelle and Sara advocate for taking calculated risks and pursuing one's passions, even if it means facing challenges and uncertainty. 
  • They stress the value of living a fulfilling life aligned with one's goals and aspirations. 

The Relentless Resolution Challenge: 

  • Michelle explains her various health and fitness challenges, including the Relentless Resolution Challenge. 
  • She emphasizes that her challenges are not solely about health and fitness but also encompass personal growth, goal-setting, and community support. 
  • Participants can expect access to Michelle for support and coaching throughout the challenges. 

How to Connect with Michelle Micalizzi: 

  • Michelle provides her contact information, including her website, social media handles, and phone number. 

Closing Thoughts: 

  • Sara expresses her admiration for Michelle's journey and inspiration. 
  • Michelle appreciates the opportunity to share her insights and commitment to both personal and professional growth. 
  • The episode concludes with a call to action to crush goals and overcome obstacles. 


  • Sara thanks the audience for tuning in and invites them to join in crushing their goals. 
  • She looks forward to supporting the community and witnessing their progress in achieving their objectives. 

Michelle Micalizzi, is a seasoned health coach, personal trainer, and registered yoga teacher with over four decades of experience in the industry. Throughout my career, she has obtained certifications from Villanova University and the National Academy of Sports Medicine, she is proud to be a registered member of Yoga Alliance. With a Master's degree in Administration, specializing in Organizational Behavior from St. Michael's College, she has honed her expertise but also successfully owned and operated multiple businesses. She has had the opportunity to work with prominent companies like Revlon, focusing on the salon professional market through her marketing company. Alongside her dedicated team, her passion lies in empowering individuals to live healthy, joyful, and abundant lives by harnessing the transformative power of exceptional nutrition. 



Connect with Michelle:

Instagram @choosehealthychange

Facebook Choose Healthy Change



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