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Ep 214. Crushing a Bold Goal with the World Champion of Public Speaking 2023 Jocelyn B. Tyson

bold goal crusher podcast goals podcast Jan 11, 2024

Welcome to a space where dreams become reality, and bold aspirations are not just welcomed but celebrated. I'm Sara Mayer, your dedicated guide on this journey towards achieving big and bold dreams without succumbing to burnout. Today, let's embark on an inspiring journey with a remarkable woman who has conquered a truly audacious goal: Jocelyn Tyson, the World Champion of Public Speaking. 

The Triumph 

Competing against 35,000 Toastmasters globally, Jocelyn set her sights on a monumental goal and emerged victorious. In our conversation today, Jocelyn shares the highs and lows of her journey, offering a glimpse into the roller coaster ride that led her to become the World Champion. 

The Dream-Come-True Moment 

Jocelyn describes winning the World Championship as a surreal, dream come true. It's a reminder that behind every achievement lies a journey filled with dedication and perseverance. As Jocelyn eloquently puts it, "You have a goal, you strive for it, but sometimes it doesn’t really sink in until you experience it." 

The Roller Coaster Ride 

The World Championship of Public Speaking is no walk in the park. Jocelyn's journey was far from smooth sailing. From self-doubt to questioning her readiness, she experienced it all. Her story is an adventure of ups and downs that eventually led her to victory, reinforcing the idea that the path to success is rarely a straight line. 

Evolving Creativity through Challenges 

Preparing speeches for the tournament presented its own set of challenges, particularly the need to change her speech after the semi-finals. Jocelyn's approach reflects resilience and creativity. Her first speech evolved organically, with tweaks and experiments, while the final speech required brainstorming a completely new topic. In these challenges, she discovered immense growth and honed her creativity. 

The Overwhelming Joy of Victory 

The winning moment was a whirlwind for Jocelyn. The shock and excitement left her in a daze, wandering on the stage. However, once the realization set in, she was overwhelmed with indescribable joy. 

Future Aspirations 

As a World Champion of Public Speaking, Jocelyn aims to use her platform for wellness advocacy and motivational speaking. Despite achieving a significant milestone, she has no intention of slowing down. Her journey is a testament that goals, no matter how audacious, are within reach. 

A Reminder: "Give Yourself Grace" 

Jocelyn’s journey serves as a powerful reminder to "give yourself grace." Acknowledge that the journey won’t always be smooth, but stay the course. As she wisely says, "It may not happen when you want it to, but it will happen when it's meant to." Let's use her story as motivation to crush our goals and everything else blocking our path. 


Jocelyn Tyson's journey is an inspiration, proving that audacious goals are achievable. As we strive for our dreams, let's embrace the challenges, stay persistent, and, most importantly, give ourselves the grace to navigate the journey. Until then, keep striving and take things one bold goal at a time. 


Check out the 2023 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking Speech HERE.


Connect with Jocelyn:

Linkedin Jocelyn B. Tyson, PharmD



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