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EP 269 The Power of Taking Breaks: Why Rest is Crucial for Creativity and Wellbeing

bold goal crusher podcast podcast Aug 12, 2024

Taking Breaks: The Key to Sustaining Creativity and Productivity

Hello, bold bull crushers! I'm super excited to be back in the podcasting chair. If you haven't noticed, it's been a little bit since I last recorded, and today I want to talk about the importance of taking breaks.  

Why Taking Breaks is Essential

First of all, it's okay to take a break. Many times, there's a lot of guilt that comes along with taking a break. People feel guilty about taking a break because life gets in the way for everyone, including me. There's a lot of research out there indicating that overworking and burnout can occur when we don't take breaks.  

We need to take breaks to avoid burnout and to boost our creativity and productivity. Sometimes, the monotony of life can really take away that spark of being creative. Taking breaks helps to maintain that spark. It also enhances your well-being and can lead to better long-term performance. 

Signs You Need a Break

Are you unsure if you need a break? Here are a few signs that indicate you might need one: 

- Chronic fatigue 

- Feeling overwhelmed 

- Lack of motivation or creativity 

- Increased stress or irritability 

Many times, people who really need a break feel lazy or label themselves as lazy or unproductive, but that's not the case. We often feel that we always have to be doing something to be productive. However, taking a break is crucial for us to continue performing at our best. 

How to Take Effective Breaks

So how do we take an effective break? Here are a few suggestions: 

- Take several short breaks throughout the day 

- Allow yourself longer breaks when needed 

- Take mental breaks by disconnecting from work or social media 

- Engage in activities that you enjoy and that are purposeful to you 

Life can get overwhelming, and it's important to ensure that what you're doing is enjoyable and purposeful so that it doesn't feel like a burden. Recently, my dog had an unfortunate incident and ate a bunch of stuff, leading to multiple trips to the emergency vet. It was overwhelming, so I took a little longer break from podcasting to take care of my dog, who is a family member to me. And that's okay! We don't need to apologize for taking breaks. 

Addressing the Guilt of Taking Breaks

It's common to feel guilty about taking a break. First, acknowledge why you are feeling guilty or what is causing that emotion. Society tends to over-glorify busyness, and we need to shift the mindset that it's okay to take breaks and not be constantly doing something. 

Now, I'm not suggesting you spend six hours scrolling on the couch, as that's probably not the most productive way to take a mental break. However, sometimes it's nice just to disconnect. I encourage you to prioritize your health and well-being and to schedule specific break times. 

Real-Life Inspiration from the Olympics

I've been really engrossed in the Olympics lately, especially the women's gymnastics team. I love how they have been talking more about taking breaks from the gym to prioritize mental health. It's not a sign of weakness or being unproductive; it's about refining your mindset and activities to align with your goals. 


Taking breaks is not a sign of weakness but a sign of self-awareness and strength. I encourage you to put a break on your schedule and then reflect back to see how you feel. Remember, we can crush goals and overcome obstacles, but not if we're always working double time. So, let's get to it and prioritize our well-being by taking those essential breaks! 



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