Find your Fire by Terri Broussard Williams
Aug 16, 2022Book – Find your Fire by Terri Broussard Williams
Movements start with a small flame that turns into a fire. One might not know where that flame starts, but when it starts it cannot be denied. The flame rolls on and becomes that fire that turns into a movement. Much like a fire, Movements seldom are because of one person and often it may not be clear where it started. In Find your Fire, Williams shares several stories of movement makers who started fires causing lasting change. Williams shares a Firestarter formula that firestarters can use to spark flames and begin a movement. Being a Firestarter takes courage and ACTION! Williams lays out a specific plan for addressing problems and becoming a movement maker. I won’t spoil the formula, but it ends with change. Those changes that end up not only impacting our lives but the lives of others.
“It’s not enough for us to talk about problems. We’ve got to be a part of the solution.” Amanda Edwards (Brousssard Williams, pg. 139).
How have I implemented this?
After reading this book I was inspired to reflect on my life and the movements I have been apart of and started. It is important to remember that we never really know the impact we are having on people every day as we interact in the world. A big takeaway for me was that these movements that were shared in the book were not movements started by famous people, these are ordinary people. They set out to solve the daily problems of the world and then those solutions and awareness of a problem snowballed into a movement. Today I think about how I can help to solve more problems and help more people find their fire and start movements, no matter how small they may seem at first.
Maybe you have a spark to light, do you have a movement in you? Pick up a copy of Find your Fire and you will have the inspiration and formula to start that fire.
Broussard Williams, T. (2020). Find your Fire. Williams Strategies, LLC.
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