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Keep Setting New Goals & Resolutions And Keep Growing

goals productivity resolutions Jan 29, 2024

We've learned a lot about setting resolutions and working toward goals over this past month. You may wonder what happens when you reach the target you've spent so much time and dedication to achieve. While it can give you a tremendous sense of accomplishment to come to this place, it can also sometimes be a bit of a letdown. You might feel like you've reached your destination and now there's nowhere left to go. Fortunately, that's not the case at all. Let's take a look at why it's important to keep setting new goals and resolutions in order to keep growing.  

Think Bigger 

One option to consider, once you've moved past one goal or resolution, is to think of ways you build upon that specific objective in order to achieve something even bigger. For example, if you've lost your first 50 pounds, that's definitely something to be proud of. But maybe you'd still like to slim down a bit more or perhaps now would be a good time to work to firm up your body. You could set a new target of losing 20 additional pounds and go with that. You could also focus on upping your fitness level and toning your body by setting an intention to go to the gym three times a week. Most achievements can be done bigger, if you decide that's right for you.  

Fulfill a Dream 

Maybe the next logical step for you is to revisit an old dream that you once thought was unrealistic. After all, you've just completed a resolution. You can build on the confidence you've gained from this success to move you along toward pursuing that thing you've always been hesitant to try. Maybe your long-held desire is to be a professional dancer. While not everyone is cut out to go pro, that doesn't mean you can't sign up for lessons. What's stopping you? Think of the thing that sets your heart aflutter, then try that!  

Go in a New Direction 

Another option is to choose a resolution that has nothing to do with your past goals or even with your current life. Reinvention is a popular theme among personal development experts. It refers to making changes in the person you are today in order to become someone who feels more authentic to you. This could be along the lines of making a career change, trying on a completely different fashion style or getting involved with a new social crowd. Change of this magnitude can be scary. It can also move you toward feeling more content with yourself and your life. Think about setting a new goal of reinvention.  

These are just a few ideas to inspire you. The possibilities really are endless, in this case. You can shoot for any kind of goal you desire. What's important is that you don't have to be finished just because your goal is complete. Growth and evolution are part of being human.  



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