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resolutions and goals

Wrap Up And Where To Go From Here

goals productivity resolutions Jan 30, 2024

Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane and browse through all the different topics we covered over the past 29 days. Here’s a quick rundown:  

  1. Welcome And Why Do We Make Resolutions 
  2. The Importance Of Setting Goals 
  3. What’s The Difference Between Goals And Resolutions 
  4. Why Resolutions Often Don’t Work  
  5. Combining Resolutions With Good Goals Is The Key To Long-Term Success  
  6. 3 Simple Tips To Make Resolutions Stick  
  7. How Habits And Routines Can Help You Stick To Your Resolutions  
  8. Don’t Go It Alone – The Value Of A Support System  
  9. Motivation Is Key- Keeping Your “Why” Front and Center  
  10. The Value Of Measuring Your Progress Along The Way  
  11. A Journal Can Be A Powerful Tool For Goals and Resolutions  
  12. Success Tip: Don’t Try To Change Too Much At Once  
  13. Kick Overwhelm To The Curb By Breaking It Down Into Baby Steps  
  14. Break It Down: From Resolution To Daily Tasks  
  15. Stay Motivated By Looking At How Far You’ve Come  
  16. Celebrate Milestones, Successes & Accomplishments 
  17. The Power Of Cheerleaders, Coaches, and Cohorts  
  18. Get Back On That Horse When You Fall Off The Wagon  
  19. Visualization Exercises Can Help You Reach Those Lofty Goals  
  20. Resolutions Change Over Time And That’s Ok 
  21.  Go From Resolution To Lifestyle Change  
  22. Success Tip: Keep A Habit Tracker  
  23. The Importance Of Your “Why” 
  24. 5 Tips For Dealing With Critics  
  25. There’s Nothing Wrong With Bribing Yourself To Success  
  26. A Mentor Or Coach Can Be Helpful In Reaching Your Goals Faster  
  27. Watch Out For These Resolution Pitfalls 
  28. Keep Setting New Goals & Resolutions And Keep Growing  
  29. Warp Up And Where To Go From Here  

I can't believe how far we've come. I'm thrilled to have had this time with you. Thank you so much for joining me. You've learned the difference between a resolution and a goal. You've also discovered how to best set these for yourself, what components strong intentions should have, and how to avoid common pitfalls.  

We've also learned how common it is for resolutions to slip away and go unfulfilled. I've enjoyed sharing with you some tricks and strategies for overcoming the obstacles that are bound to happen when pursuing an objective. Challenges and setbacks are inevitable. It's how you handle them that matters.  

I tried to touch upon the people in your life, as well, and the role they play in your success. It's important to have cheerleaders and a support system as you're pursuing a goal. These folks will motivate you when you don't think you can keep going. Having an accountability partner or system in place is also wise. Knowing you have to answer to someone if you fall off the wagon can help to increase your focus. Don't forget that we're all human. Asking for help and enlisting the know-how of experts is part of the process. It can make your journey a lot less rocky.  

Finally, remember that it's important to be flexible during this time. Keep track of your progress and know that sometimes a goal may need to be reassessed, tweaked, or thrown away entirely. Also, know that there is a whole world of possibilities out there when you reach this one goal or complete your resolution. Enjoy exploring your next step. Embrace the challenge.  

What has had the biggest impact on you? What tips and ideas have you found the most helpful? Those are the posts that you want to come back to again and again.  

Take a few minutes today to reflect on not only how far you’ve come, but more importantly how this simple challenge has influenced you and changed you for the better. What positive experiences have you had as a result of our time together?  



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