Is Caffeine Causing Your Fatigue? burnout & fatigue goals productivity Mar 02, 2024

Are you a fan of caffeine? Caffeine is a source of energy that many people rely on to start off their mornings and get them through their day. Light to moderate doses of caffeine on an occasional basis can be very effective for uses ranging from bumping up wakefulness to fighting off migraine...

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How Overwhelm Can Cause Burnout & Fatigue burnout & fatigue goals productivity Mar 01, 2024

Overwhelm is the gateway to fatigue and burnout. Being in a constant state of overwhelm is a surefire way to cause fatigue and ultimately burn you out. Being overwhelmed can affect your adrenal system which is responsible for producing hormones that help manage mood, stress, and other aspects of...

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Are Your Behavioral Patterns Causing Burnout? burnout & fatigue goals productivity Feb 29, 2024

Are you a creature of habit? Depending on those habits, your behavioral patterns may be contributing to your burnout. Maintaining behavioral patterns that set you up for overwhelm and failure will lead to burnout - if you don’t get a handle on them and learn to correct their impact. ...

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Learning to Delegate Can be the Best Thing to Avoid Getting Burnt Out burnout & fatigue goals productivity Feb 28, 2024

We live in a society that holds self-autonomy and multitasking in the highest regard. Being independent and able to juggle multiple expectations at once is rewarded with recognition, income, and… even more responsibility.  

At some point, the weight of that responsibility and our...

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How to Avoid the Afternoon Slump burnout & fatigue goals productivity Feb 27, 2024

It’s 3:00 pm and you could really use a nap... but that is not an option. What are you going to do?  

  • Grab a candy bar and soda? 
  • Make a coffee run? 
  • Grit your teeth and press on? 

None of these ideas are going to be a long-term best practice. In fact, over time,...

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Are You Eating a Healthy Diet? burnout & fatigue goals productivity Feb 26, 2024

It probably goes without saying that eating a nourishing diet is directly connected to our mental and physical well-being. What we put into our bodies is used as fuel to propel us through each day. The better the quality of our fuel, the better our stamina and overall ability to manage whatever...

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3 Tips for Avoiding Future Burnouts burnout & fatigue goals productivity Feb 25, 2024

Has your fatigue and overwhelm gone from bad to worse? Have you gone past the point of being in jeopardy of burning out into feeling the full-fledged effects of burnout? It’s time to get yourself back on track and find new and better ways to avoid future burnouts.  

You can avoid...

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Take a Vacation to Reverse Burnout burnout & fatigue goals productivity Feb 24, 2024

When was the last time you took a vacation? It may seem obvious that taking a vacation can help reverse burnout, but only a small percentage of people actually disengage and disconnect from their daily sources of stress for a restful vacation. Most of us allow excuses and anxieties to prevent us...

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Are Mental Health and Burnout Related? burnout & fatigue goals productivity Feb 23, 2024

First off, let’s clarify that for our purposes “mental health” refers to the ability to experience inner peace, clarity, and a sense of stability in our often chaotic world. In this instance, to describe mental health is not to talk about the disorders of mood or mind, but...

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Habits & Routines Can Help Prevent Burnout burnout & fatigue goals habits productivity Feb 22, 2024

Similar to setting a weekly rhythm, you can help prevent burnout by establishing habits and routines. Cultivating habits and routines that serve you well can make life a bit more effortless and stress levels lower. 

A habit is a way of doing things that has become intrinsic and automatic....

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Are You Taking Time for Daily Self-Care? burnout & fatigue goals productivity Feb 21, 2024

When preparing for takeoff, a flight attendant will guide passengers through the safety features of the plane. Important information is taught, such as where the exits are located, how to use the seat cushion as a floatation device, and what to expect should the cabin lose pressure. In the event...

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Set a Weekly Rhythm to Avoid Burnout burnout & fatigue goals productivity Feb 20, 2024

Being able to fly by the seat of your pants is an attribute that spontaneous people love. Unfortunately, it is also a common cause of stress, chronic fatigue, and burnout. Working without a schedule can place unnecessary stress on entire families, which can easily be avoided without having to...

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