The holiday season is notorious for adding extra layers of complexity to both our personal and professional lives. As leaders, we often find ourselves juggling year-end deadlines, planning for the upcoming year, and ensuring that our team stays on track—all while trying to carve out time...
Do you have a plan for the Holiday Season? The Holiday Season is filled with magic, activities, stress, and sometimes overwhelm. It’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of the season and then when it’s over wonder how time flew by. Now is the perfect time to create a plan for the...
Families can be a wonderful blessing, or they can be a major pain during the holidays. Frankly, they can be both at the same time. The stress of the holiday season, combined with the fact that we see more of each other than during the rest of the year, can bring any tension and...
In years when you’re extra busy, or money is tight, giving your kids a nice holiday can be a bit of a challenge. I’m here to tell you that no matter what’s going on in your life and with your bank account, you can do it by getting a little creative.
Life comes in seasons. Some years are wonderful with few worries and plenty of everything. Others are leaner, more troublesome, and just plain sad. In the good years, the holidays are a lot of fun, but during the sad times, we may not enjoy the holiday season all that much, and...
Between the school’s holiday play, work obligations, Christmas parties, and gift shopping, the weeks leading up to the holidays can be a very busy and stressful time. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and rush through your busy days. When you push hard to get it all done and...
What are some of your favorite holiday traditions? We all have them and they may just be more important than you think. Traditions like putting up the tree on the day after Thanksgiving, buying a special new ornament each year, or opening one gift on Christmas Eve are a special part of...
Have you thought about simplifying the holiday season? What I mean is to have a holiday season without the stress, without going all out on decorations, events, and gifts. Consider celebrating a much simpler holiday season this year. By scaling back and focusing on the more...
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. The holiday season isn’t about the big presents and the fancy decorations. It also isn’t about cramming as many holiday activities and festivities during the month of December as you possibly can. It isn’t about...
If you believe in popular media and holiday guides, you may think that everything to do with the holidays from the tree and decorations, to the food, and even how you wrap your gifts has to be perfect. That’s simply not true and deep down you know this. The holiday...
Gift giving is one of the most fulfilling aspects of the holiday season. Generally, people will think of the joy of receiving a special gift for the holidays. But being the giver of a meaningful gift can be even more gratifying. Great gifts are really more about the thoughtful intention behind...
There are certain foods that tend to soothe and comfort us, especially around the winter months. Comfort foods like stews, casseroles, pot pies, homemade breads, and baked goods bring a sense of well-being and can elevate mood, especially on a long and cold winter day. Curling up by the fire with...