Keep Setting New Goals & Resolutions And Keep Growing goals productivity resolutions Jan 29, 2024

We've learned a lot about setting resolutions and working toward goals over this past month. You may wonder what happens when you reach the target you've spent so much time and dedication to achieve. While it can give you a tremendous sense of accomplishment to come to this place, it can also...

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Watch Out For These Resolution Pitfalls goals productivity resolutions Jan 28, 2024

We've talked a lot in this challenge about how to stay on track with your resolutions. There are a lot of tricks and strategies for pushing past resistance and finding the motivation you need to succeed. As we near the end of our time together, I'd like to address some things not to do as you...

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A Mentor Or Coach Can Be Helpful In Reaching Your Goals Faster goals productivity resolutions Jan 27, 2024

I'm a big advocate of asking for help when you find yourself struggling. This is true with regard to personal issues, work challenges, or relationship struggles. Trying to push through alone isn't necessary and can make your life much more difficult than it needs to be. I know it can be hard to...

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There’s Nothing Wrong With Bribing Yourself To Success goals productivity resolutions Jan 26, 2024

I've mentioned before that sometimes it takes mind tricks to get you through the tough times when you're pursuing a goal. My philosophy is to use any type of healthy strategy you need in order to push past the obstacles. Notice I used the term "healthy strategy." Using tricks to motivate yourself...

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5 Tips For Dealing With Critics goals productivity resolutions Jan 25, 2024

Anyone who's decided to try something new knows it's possible to encounter negativity surrounding their pursuits. Critical reactions are part of human nature, and there are a lot of motivators that propel people to find faults in others. Unfortunately, these kinds of actions can be hurtful and...

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The Importance Of Your “Why” goals productivity resolutions Jan 24, 2024

In today's post, I want to revisit the concept of your why. If you recall, your why is essentially your reason for pursuing a particular goal or resolution in the first place. It's the underlying factor that guides your actions. That's why it's so important to understand it. Sometimes we think we...

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Success Tip: Keep a Habit Tracker goals productivity resolutions Jan 23, 2024

Have you heard of a habit tracker? While the concept is one that's been around for ages, it's recently begun to gain traction among people who are trying to stay on track with making positive changes. There are various types of trackers, but the point of these tools is the same. They provide a...

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Go from Resolution to Lifestyle Change goals productivity resolutions Jan 22, 2024

As we've discussed, many resolutions fail. We've all experienced the excitement of setting a new intention, only to have it fizzle out over the next several weeks or months. I've shared with you some ways to fight this tendency and overcome it by setting SMART goals. I've also given you a number...

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Resolutions Change Over Time and That’s Ok goals productivity resolutions Jan 21, 2024

You've probably heard all your life that you should never give up. You've listened to parents, teachers, and coaches throughout the years as they've encouraged you not to quit and to go after what you want until you get it. While it's good to be persistent and reach a goal takes follow-through,...

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Visualization Exercises Can Help You Reach Those Lofty Goals goals productivity resolutions Jan 20, 2024

Visualization is a powerful tool that can help lead you to serious changes in your life. You may not be aware of this practice as a means of increasing motivation. Perhaps it seems like some sort of personal development trend or new age woo, but this process has actually been around for centuries...

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Get Back on That Horse When You Fall Off the Wagon goals productivity resolutions Jan 19, 2024

When you're working toward fulfilling a resolution or achieving a goal, backsliding is usually inevitable. Many of us, me included, can tend to get pretty down on ourselves when we get off track. We see it as a failure, and sometimes such pessimistic thinking can lead us to quit entirely. In...

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The Power Of Cheerleaders, Coaches, and Cohorts goals productivity resolutions Jan 18, 2024

Do you think of yourself as a fairly independent person? Is it hard for you to ask for help? Have you found yourself to be kind of a lone wolf in the world? If you've answered "yes" to these questions, today's post is meant especially for you. Those of us who are fiercely autonomous often find it...

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