You've probably heard all your life that you should never give up. You've listened to parents, teachers, and coaches throughout the years as they've encouraged you not to quit and to go after what you want until you get it. While it's good to be persistent and reach a goal takes follow-through,...
Visualization is a powerful tool that can help lead you to serious changes in your life. You may not be aware of this practice as a means of increasing motivation. Perhaps it seems like some sort of personal development trend or new age woo, but this process has actually been around for centuries...
When you're working toward fulfilling a resolution or achieving a goal, backsliding is usually inevitable. Many of us, me included, can tend to get pretty down on ourselves when we get off track. We see it as a failure, and sometimes such pessimistic thinking can lead us to quit entirely. In...
Let Me Re-introduce Myself: A Conversation with Sara Mayer, the Bold Goal Crusher
Welcome to a special blog post based on an episode of the Bold Goal Crusher podcast, hosted by Sara Mayer. In this episode, Sara brings guest host, Rosemary Lewis to flip the script and interview Sara about both her...
Do you think of yourself as a fairly independent person? Is it hard for you to ask for help? Have you found yourself to be kind of a lone wolf in the world? If you've answered "yes" to these questions, today's post is meant especially for you. Those of us who are fiercely autonomous often find it...
In yesterday's post, we talked about the strategy of using your past accomplishments to motivate you in the present. There are other ways to help keep yourself on track and pushing toward your goals, as well. Sometimes we get so focused on making a big transformation or reaching our destination...
Sometimes these goals and resolutions of ours can get really hard, but maintaining the necessary levels of motivation to keep moving forward can be done in a number of ways. Motivating yourself can be as simple as tricking your brain into seeing things in a new light. One of the best ways to gain...
In our last post, I touched upon the idea of taking small steps each day toward achieving your goal. The thought of this may seem to be taking the idea of baby steps a bit far or to be kind of silly. However, instilling little daily tasks into your routine can have a really big impact on your...
Hello, Bold Goal Crushers. I'm super excited about this episode today because we're going to talk about Quitter's Day. So did you quit your resolutions by last Friday or are you still on track or have you not even started because you didn't set resolutions because you believed all the hype that...
As I've already discussed, it's important that your goals and resolutions be somewhat challenging, but not too overwhelming. Something that's easy to accomplish may not seem worth doing and probably won't make much of an impact on your life. On the other hand, if it seems impossible, you might...
It may seem counterproductive for me to advise you to limit yourself when it comes to setting goals and resolutions, but please hear me out. There are a lot of solid reasons why you may wish to choose only one or two objectives to set your sights on. Goals that are manageable can actually allow...
When it comes to keeping your resolutions and achieving your goals, sometimes you have to have a few tricks up your sleeve. The drudgery of day-to-day life can sometimes threaten to push the milestones you've set for yourself to the back burner. It's easy to forget your purpose. Anything that can...