Motivation Is Key- Keeping Your “Why” Front and Center goals productivity resolutions Jan 10, 2024

I've briefly touched upon the concept of knowing your why when it comes to goal setting and resolutions. This idea is the reason you want to accomplish a certain thing, to begin with. It's the purpose that will drive you to achieve it, during both good times and bad. Especially during periods of...

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Don’t Go It Alone – The Value of a Support System goals productivity resolutions Jan 09, 2024

The old adage, "No man is an island," certainly rings true when it comes to setting goals. Even the most strong and independent people can benefit from a bit of help along the path to success. Having a person or a tribe to lean on can make the tough journey seem so much easier to bear. Let me...

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How Habits and Routines Can Help You Stick to Your Resolutions goals habits resolutions Jan 08, 2024

Willpower alone will only take you so far. When it fades, habits and routines can help you stick to the changes you’re making. That's why it's important to change your mindset when it comes to resolutions. Instead of viewing this time as making a big change, it might help you to look at it...

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Ep 213. What to do when your goals are not on track bold goal crusher podcast goals podcast Jan 08, 2024


Happy New Year, bold goal crushers! As we enter the new year, many of us feel a surge of motivation to set and achieve our goals. However, there are times when we may find ourselves lacking in motivation or feeling stuck because we didn't achieve our goals in the past. If...

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3 Simple Tips to Make Resolutions Stick goals productivity resolutions Jan 06, 2024

Let's take some time today to examine a few easy suggestions to help you keep your resolutions. We already know how easy it can be to set intentions without any real direction or follow-through. These vague goals never seem to work out. However, there are some strategic steps you can take to help...

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Combining Resolutions with Good Goals Is the Key to Long-Term Success goals productivity resolutions Jan 05, 2024

We've talked about the difference between goals and resolutions. This distinction is important when it comes to moving forward with our challenge. You've learned so far that a resolution is an idea, promise, or philosophy for something you desire. Goals are the steps that will help you make that...

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Why Resolutions Often Don’t Work goals productivity resolutions Jan 04, 2024

We've briefly touched upon the reasons why we make resolutions. These promises to ourselves can be powerful motivators in helping us to move forward in our lives. They give us a sense of purpose. They also tend to fail to become a reality more often than not. Chances are good that you've made...

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Ep 212. The Three P's that Impede Progress with guest Dawn Calvinisti bold goal crusher podcast goals podcast Jan 04, 2024

If you are someone who is passionate about crushing your bold goals this year, this episode of our Bold Goal Crusher podcast is for you. This week, I had the chance to talk to my guest and friend, Dawn Calvinisti, who has successfully built her business to multiple six figures. Interestingly, she...

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What’s The Difference Between Goals And Resolutions goals productivity resolutions Jan 03, 2024

This month, our focus will be on making improvements to your life, which involves a great deal of dedication and work. The driving force of this challenge lies within your goals and resolutions, so it's important for us to take some time right now to discuss the meaning of those two words. While...

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The Importance of Setting Goals goals productivity resolutions Jan 02, 2024

You've probably heard dozens of times in your life that it's important to set goals. It's one of those things that matters but can seem elusive or even unattainable. I think that's because we often look at the concept in the abstract. However, in order to really make goal setting stick, we need...

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Welcome and Why Do We Make Resolutions goals habits productivity resolutions Jan 01, 2024

Setting resolutions is a time-honored tradition. While we often think of New Year's as the time for this activity, resolving to make changes in our lives is something that can benefit us throughout the entire year. To get us started on our journey, let's take a closer look at this activity and...

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Ep 211. Happy New Year bold goal crusher podcast goals new year podcast Jan 01, 2024


Welcome to the Bold Goal Crusher podcast, where we help you stop letting life get in the way and start crushing your bold goals! In this exciting episode, host Sara Mayer takes you on a journey to navigate the new year with intention and purpose. As we step into 2024, it's...

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